Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Eau de King Cake

I’ve always lived in parts of the country that don’t heavily observe the Mardi Gras season. In my hometown, there was only one very small “parade” on Fat Tuesday. It consisted of a handful of people wearing the traditional colors of Mardi Gras, the beads, a few trumpeting a zydeco/jazz tune and walking around the downtown square before heading into their favorite bar.  

Find Me waiting for the bead throwing 

When I was out in Colorado, it was the same idea. A handful of bars had stuff up for Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras and some drinks that were named after some popular streets in New Orleans, Louisiana. Even drinks made to taste like king cake.

Photo w/Krews Queen and King

Being down in south Louisiana I’ve gotten to see more of carnival season. There are different balls of the Krews on the weekends at the first of the carnival season, then the weekends closer to the end there are the parades for the different Krews. Now this is how it is here in Baton Rouge. I know that in other places, like NOLA and even over in Mobile, Alabama, the parades of the Krews take place the night of the ball; which I find a whole lot of fun and enjoy.

Mardi Gras Ball w/a college friend 

I thing I do enjoy is that everywhere you go, there is some form of king cake available. The traditional king cake is made up of a Danish dough, and filled with a cinnamon filling. After it is baked, the cake is coated with an icing and then topped with yellow, green and purple sugar. You can even get different fillings if you like. I prefer the traditional cinnamon.

King cakes 

I’ve made a lot of king cakes this season. Seems like every time I turn around there is another request/order for king cakes. It’s a labor of love. At work I use a premade Danish dough and cinnamon smear and go to town. I roll, split and twist every log and then decorate. 

I feel like my perfume during this time of year is Eau de King Cake. It has hints of sugar, butter, cinnamon and flour.

When I'm making king cakes or other types of pastries at home, I always go for scratch. It taste better. Don't get me wrong, I do use some store bought puff pastry dough and fillo dough. There just isn't enough time in the day if you don't have your own menions helping you out. 

View of my recipe from my notebook 

I have to admit I’m happy that the end of the season is coming… I can make different desserts. I look forward to making other things with seasonal produce. I can’t wait for the new produce of Spring. Hurry up Spring!!!

Happy Eating!

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