Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Loved Ones

The smell of sausage fills the air, and I’m instantly transported back 20 plus years to my grandparents’ house.

My alarm clock is the smells and sounds of granddad cooking breakfast. I am stirring awake on the pull out couch in the den, and the creaks and quick pops of the springs let my granddad know I’m waking up. “Morning. Your breakfast will get cold if you stay in bed,” he says to me. I hear the pendulum of the clock ticking and letting me know its 5:30 in the morning. I make the bed, and put away the pull out. Like I was never there. I smell the biscuits coming out of the oven and the eggs are popping in the pan in the sausage grease. I’m sort of awake, but eating away. I hear my brother stirring in the front room; he stayed in bed; more for me.

L: My uncle, grandmomma, granddad, and my dad 1960s. R: My granddad's WW2 service photo 

Like clockwork, my granddad would be up, dressed and making breakfast before 6, starting his day. He always kept a schedule. After he had his breakfast, he would be off to work (he had his own shop as a mechanic). He would be back for lunch, then go back to work then be back for dinner.

I remember the times we visited when I was younger, the days when my granddad didn’t have to go into the shop, he would be outside in the yard. He would either be tending to his garden, make sure the lawn was kept up and that the wood pile was in order. Had to have that woodpile in order and filled. The fist cold snap, there would be a fire roaring. It would feel like the middle of summer in the dead of winter.

My granddad had a major work ethic that lives on in the ones he has left behind. My dad has this strong work ethic that he also instilled in me.

My granddad had a love of food, and taught himself how to cook many things. He actually took over the cooking of meals from my grandmomma since he loved it so much. My grandmomma would still be in the kitchen helping cook and making her yellow cake with chocolate icing.

In the summer, I remember sitting on the floor in their den with different baskets filled with green beans, butter beans and tomatoes that were from the garden. A very distinct smell filled the room, almost like a mixture of damp cool summer night mixed with a little dirt.

My little garden last spring; Grandparents made me love gardening 

I remember helping snapping the ends off the green beans and putting them into a new basket for them to be rinsed off before they were put away (either put in a pot to cook for that nights dinner or to be canned).

Most of my memories that involve my grandparents take place around food. It is my way to remember them and, in my own way, keep their memory alive for me. I can’t eat a bowl of spaghetti without comparing it to my grandmomma Earnest. I can’t eat cantaloupe without thinking of the times I would share lots of cantaloupe pieces with my granddaddy Earnest. They were my mom’s parents.

I can recall watching my mom and grandmomma (my mom’s mom), doing their kitchen dance when preparing meals for the holidays. I always watched from the other side of the counter, so not to be in the way. I was always in awe, and wanted to be where the action was.

Now, I like green beans, but I love the green beans my granddad Little would cook (my dad asked and mastered my granddad’s green beans). The smell of sausage cooking always reminds me of him as well. A yellow cake with chocolate icing reminds me of my grandmomma Little. She always has a cake for after dinner.

It is hard when the time comes to have to say your goodbye’s to loved ones.

I said till next time to my maternal grandparents years ago. But just recently I had to say that again to my granddad Little. It wasn’t totally unexpected, but still sad.

I have a passion for food. I believe its because it is what connects me to my family and passed loved ones. Whenever my family is getting together, we are gathered around the table or in the kitchen talking and goofing off. Laughter and food is always involved.

To me, food has stories and memories tied to them. Every time I’m in the kitchen, I feel connected to my family’s past. It is a way for me to celebrate them daily.

Happy Eating!